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August 13, 2019

SBDM Meeting 
August 13, 2019 4:30 PM
Botts Elementary School 

1. Opening Business

1.1. Call to Order/Roll Call/Mission & Vision 

1.2. Approve Agenda 

1.3. Approve Budget 

1.4. Financial Report

1.5. Good News Sharing/Public Comment

2. Other Business

2.1. CSIP 

2.2. 30/60/90

2.3. Second Reading of By-Laws

2.4. Approve Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)

2.5. Policy Review: Emergency Plan Policy

2.6. Policy Review: Curriculum Policy

2.7. Policy Review: Parental Involvement 

2.8. Policy Review: Instructional Practices 

2.9. Adjourn